How to make Lemon Pickles? Traditionally, pickles are made by marinating them in the sun for weeks or even months. In this instant process, the marination is quickened by pressure cooking the lemons making them ready to enjoy immediately. Another win-win is it only gets better as it sits and ages.

Ingredients of Stuffed Turnip

Lemon, sliced ​​- 1 kg
Hot red pepper – 100 grams
Hot green pepper – 100 g
Salt – a teaspoon
Safflower – half a cup
Nigella sativa – a quarter cup
Olive oil – two tablespoons

The method of work
1- Put a large amount of water in a saucepan over medium heat. Leave the pot on the fire until boiling.
2- Add the lemon slices. Leave the mixture on the fire for 5 minutes.
3- Remove the pot from the heat and drain the lemon from the water. Keep the latter in a bowl.
4- In the electric mixer, put half a cup of boiling water, hot red pepper, and hot green pepper.
5- Put a layer of lemon slices in the bottom of a glass jar.
6- Add a little safflower, nigella, and pepper mixture.
7- Repeat the previous two steps until the quantities are finished.
8- Add the rest of the water. Close the jar tightly.
9- Keep the pickles for 3-4 days at room temperature, then keep them in the refrigerator until the time of consumption.