How To Make Quick Pickled Onions? Pickles of all kinds are an appetizer that is served alongside the main dishes, and eating pickles provides your body with many benefits if you eat it in moderation without excessive. Pickles help improve digestion and protect the digestive system from many health problems. The process of pickling vegetables has been known since ancient times, and we will learn how to pickle onions.

Ingredients of Stuffed Turnip

Medium size onion – 3
Vinegar – 6 tablespoons
Hot water – as needed
Salt – a teaspoon
Sugar – a teaspoon

The method of work
1- Cut the onions into round slices.
2- Put the onion slices in a glass jar.
3- Add salt, sugar and vinegar to the jar.
4- Pour in hot water to cover the onions.
5- If you want to eat pickles with beans and falafel for breakfast, you should prepare it at night. But if you want to eat it on the same day with lunch, prepare it 4 or 5 hours before and then it will be ready to eat.
6- Keep the pickles in the refrigerator for a maximum of 4 days.